Living Waters

Living waters like daughters of the earth
beneath my feet
healing my soul with gentle movement
taking me to a pure state
free from pollution and man’s waste
when I drink there is a beautiful taste
of freedom in my body

The springs fill my mind
with a solstice sunset
that can never be forgotten
working their way through the city
which sometimes has no pity

Life giving and healing
I immerse my body in the waters
peace and love fill my thoughts
as I float without a care
people stop and stare
but I care not for I am happy
bathing in the living waters

From city the waters flow
into river and stream
giving life to otter and newt
to live their lives free from torment or persecution
away from institutions
flowing gently through the land
I can feel their grace touching my hand

In dry and barren land I want to make a stand
for people far and near
and let waters flow for all mankind
so they can drink from the springs that are dear
give me the strength to make this happen
and not let the earth be scorched by the all powerful sun
with clean water to drink the human race can be run
in tranquillity and peace free
from war and pestilence

Man holds his brother ransom for the droplets of life
why cant we be free of these days
so we can cultivate different ways
of not treating our fellow people like slaves and serfs
living waters should flow for all around
giving health and happiness that abounds

Nuclear waste fills the sea
killing life and causing pain
please take me from this strain
fracking upsets the water table
I will fight if I am able
to change the world
and its governments who trade on misery
and destruction for all

Warm springs cure pain
and ease the body
flowing beneath the ground
warm and full of healing light
a tonic for all who are in plight
of illness and inner strife
so they can enjoy this sacred life

Take me to a place where water is pure
so I don’t have to endure
the pain and suffering of mankind
all peoples she be allowed to heal
suffering should turn like a wheel
and become happiness which everyone deserves

The oceans and seas turn their tides
now spoilt by harm
sea life struggles to charm
our selfish strain of life
that can only be lived
if destruction stops

From distant lands I hear people crying
some of the cries are from those who are dying
because their water has died never to live again
why cant they have the streams that I played in as a child
that had gentle flow and clarity
where I fished newt and stickleback
we are so lucky in this life to have had places to play
on hot now distant summer days

I want to see a rainbow that stretches from sea to sea
uniting unpolluted waves
that roll and pitch with a gentle sound
that relaxes me and sends me to sleep
I will always keep this thought in mind
its is my dream to make the world a better place
so there is no case for protest and action
from people who who try to cause a reaction
and make it better for all people

Acid rain falls and stops my love
flying like a dove over waters that are free for all the world
my love has no boundaries
why cant I send it to nature which has been spoilt by greed and misunderstanding
I want gentle drops from the sky above
to fall on my face with gentle grace and clear my thoughts
so I can love the waters of this earth that we call home

I ride in a boat down stream
in an effort to watch the bream
dance in their innocence around rock and waterfall
but the smears of oil make me cry out in pain
because the bream cannot be free to swim this river
that should be free for all
instead vandalism has taken place and the river is not the same
we should all except this shame

Water understands me well and wants me to take it from this living hell
where a bell can be rung for change and fight
to make life live again in harmony with all
my quest is not too tall
all I ask is for life itself
so I can drink from love itself

Living waters fill my soul
with positive energy
like an astral projection of a super nova
I want to swim in pure water
and touch natures face where I can wipe a tear
from her eye and not watch my world die

One Comment on “Living Waters”

  1. smudgesmiff2 says:

    A fine piece of writing, Mike, so alive to our predicament today. I share some great memories of newts and of the countryside before things got really out of hand. Writing like this is important lest we forget and to pass on the respect and love of the earth.

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